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The Green Corridor Environmental and Educational Project - an  exciting future

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The Winter Swamp

The "Green Corridor" project is a collaboration of De Shalit students and teachers, the Davidson Institute for Science Education, scientists from the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences at the Weizmann Institute and Rehovot Municipality.  The focus of the joint project is to raise awareness for preserving the historical and natural assets of eastern Rehovot including the “Brichat HaHoref” (“Winter Swamp” or “Vernal Pool”). The rare species, ecological systems and endemic flora and fauna unique to the Winter Swamp are in danger of extinction. As an authentic natural environment, the importance of the swamp is critical. The vision is to enable a joint environmental and educational project centered around the Winter Swamp, to raise awareness for its preservation.

This joint project will include educational activities and a unique ecology research laboratory; in addition to involving Rehovot elementary and high school students in preserving their heritage for the benefit of the community.

The Winter Swamp project will be integrated into the municipal vision of a “Green Corridor” of natural, historic and cultural assets surrounding eastern Rehovot: the Minkov Citrus Orchard Museum, the Yekev old winery, the Weizmann House, the Pillbox, the Partition Plan Sabras line, the Great Synagogue, Beit Ha’am, and Beit Slutzkin.

Once restored, Beit Slutzkin will become headquarters of the Green Corridor project. It will function as an open education and environmental research centre, and will incorporate a Visitor Centre showcasing the Green Corridor project as well as presenting the Slutzkin family's notable role in Zionist history, and commemorating the unique Australian and New Zealand World War I connection.


The Pill Box

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The Winter Swamp


The Minkov Citrus Museum

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Beit Weizmann (the Weizmann House)

designed by  Erich Mendelsohn, 1937

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